Rocky Top is a mountain summit in Blount County in the
state of Tennessee (TN). Rocky Top climbs to 5,420 feet (1,652.02
meters) above sea level. Rocky Top is located at latitude - longitude
coordinates (also called lat - long coordinates or GPS coordinates) of N
35.563978 and W -83.713782.
Anyone attempting to climb Rocky Top and reach the summit should look
for detailed information on the Rocky Top area in the topographic map
(topo map) and the Thunderhead Mountain USGS quad. To hike and explore
the Tennessee outdoors near Rocky Top, check the list of nearby trails.
- Peak Type: Summit
- Latitude: 35.563978
- Longitue: -83.713782
- Peak Elevation: 5,420 feet (1,652.02 m)
- Nearest City:
(5.9 miles away)